Editing Day 1
Editing: Session 1
After our filming in Manchester at Affleck's Palace we put the scene footage that we filmed this day onto our computer and uploaded it onto Final Cut Pro X software and began to position this footage and make a start on our first rough edit of our music video.
Once the footage was uploaded, we then downloaded our chosen song 'The Love Club' from YouTube converter and uploaded it to our project and added it in.
When first trying to do this we did have some issues as initially we struggled to find the song online and even once we had done so it was difficult to import it into the software. We eventually figured out the correct way to do this as last year we only used deigetic sounds from the software's sound effects so we have never downloaded our own song to Final Cut before.
Once the music was on and the footage so far was uploaded, we realized that the song begins with a steady beat which we knew would be perfect if we could match the shot transitions to the beat of the music.
We felt that this would be the most effective way to begin our music video as it would enable us to not only have an audience effect as it is aesthetically pleasing but also it would allow us to show our editing skills and how we can utilize the blade tool to precisely match the shot to the beat.
During this editing session we had to make certain improvises to our narrative as we have quite recently changed our song choice so we listened to it again when editing and realized we would be able to shape our narrative around the lyrics and get the actions we had shot to match the lyrics.
We edited the first 15-20 seconds of our music video and were happy with the introduction of the music video for now; it was visually pleasing as well as consisting of an array of editing techniques even so soon into the music video. The introduction to the song itself really pacified us when developing our opening 20 seconds of the music video and acted as a platform to develop our skills on top of.
In addition to this montage style, fast-cut transition opening, we also experimented with fonts and how we would introduce the song and the artist in the music video. I felt that the best way to introduce a song and artist is to utilize the conventions typical to the alternative genre as if you challenge the conventions of the genre in context to the opening of the music video which reveals the Artist and the song itself has the potential to defer the target audience from watching.

Here you can see the very simple yet conventional font which we have decided to apply in our music video also...
What have we achieved in this editing session?
We have began our music video to a good start and have a beginning we are confident with at this moment in time as it has enabled us to show our editing skills and give an effective introduction into the music video.We also spent time revisiting and remembering the different tools of the software such as the blade tool, the zoom tool, in addition to the filter and lighting alterations of which to include as our music video progresses.
The blade tool is a significant part of my groups editing as my music video will feature a lot of precise, sound-matching transitions as well as montages and gradual color correction developments throughout the music video.
The Next Steps...
After our next filming day we will add more footage to the software and continue to edit and build our narrative until we have a rough edit and can get our audience feedback.We need to gradually build up our narrative on the software step by step to avoid confusion and make sure it flows and makes sense.
Next time we edit we plan to experiment with fonts further as well as the altercations of light and also layering dietetic sound.
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