Song choice update

Song choice update

As a group after our first session of filming our music video, we reflected on the orignial song choice, that being Lorde's '400 lux', however we realised that this song fitted better with our original narrative idea of doing a couple narrative as the lyrics connoted themes of love and being with someone special, where as we were already decided and prepared for the group narrative that we have already started filming.
Because of this, we had to find a new song; this song would have to be Lorde though due to our intensive research we had already done into her as an artist, all we would have to change was the analysis of the lyrics as our story board fitted perfectly with the lyrics and the conventions they withhold anyway. 
Luckily, the lyrics of our new song, Lorde's 'The Love Club', fits well with our group narrative concept as there are many references to 'we' and lyrics which create imagery of a group of friends separate from society, exactly like we plan our music video to portray. 
Me and Kate analysed the lyrics of our new song...

Lorde- 'The Love Club' 


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